SGF opens Korean homes to visitors from around the world

Home stays are a type of accommodation where instead of staying in a hotel, travelers board temporarily with a local family. This unique set-up allows visitors to not only have a place to stay, but also a way to experience the lifestyle and culture of the local area, and make connections with people.

Seoul Global Family (SGF) is a home stay service sponsored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and organized by Seoul Tourism Organization. SGF was founded to improve the quality of home stays in Seoul, and certifies the families that participate to ensure a high quality experience for visitors.

Recently, SGF added 200 new households to its roster, bringing the total number of participating households to 350.

An official from Seoul Metropolitan Government said, “SGF gives visitors a chance to experience Korean culture, and hosts also get the chance to experience cultures from all around the world.”

The new households were selected after a strict application review, screening and field inspection. They will be provided with free lessons in multiculturalism, foreign languages, and global manners and etiquette. They can also participate in kimchi and handicraft lessons free of charge.

Although SFG is not a for-profit program, hosts are usually paid a small amount to help cover the costs of having a guest. Visitors who chose a home stay can expect to pay 40,000 won a night for stays up to ten days, or 20,000 a night for longer stays. Stays of more than two months cost only 600,000 won for an entire month. Each additional guest receives a 30% discount. In return, visitors are provided with a private room and breakfast each morning, with transportation and other meals available for an additional fee.

Students and travelers from around the world, including Taiwan, Japan, and Ukraine, have used the SGF home stay program to find a home away from home. An official from Seoul Metro Government said, “We hope that the visitors who stayed in SGF home stays remember the city as their second hometown.”

The official website ( is still under construction but should be fully operational by early next year. Until then, SGF reservations can be made by email, and must be received ten days ahead of time.

For more information, please call 82-02-3788-0859 or email

Jessica Seoyoung Choi Staff Writer

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