Mission ongoing in the U.S. soil for the Italian majority leader with Hon. Amato Berardi

Special day, that of yesterday, for the relationships between Italy and America: the majority leader of Italian parliament (P.D.L.) Hon. Fabrizio Cicchitto, visited the Congress of the United States, and was received at the White House together with Hon. Amato Berardi, deputy elected in the Northern and Central America.
In the evening, in the historical frame of Café Milan, the meeting with the leaders of N.I.A.F., the most important non-profit organization for Italian-Americans.
Here, in an atmosphere of great cordiality and to the presence of the Italian Ambassador in the United States, Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, the N.I.A.F. president, Joseph Del Raso, and the chairman, Jerry Colangelo, honoured the Italian majority leader, Hon. Cicchitto. During the reception, Del Raso remembered the solid bonds that unite America and Italy, but also the concrete initiatives of solidarity realized from the Italian-Americans for Abruzzo region after the earthquake in coordination with the Italian Government.
The political agenda, organized by Hon. Amato Berardi in collaboration with Mrs. Alma Laias, Head of International Affairs for the Italian Chamber of the Deputies, establishes that the mission in the States of the majority leader, Hon. Cicchitto, will be concluded tonight in Washington. Here, at the Hilton International Ballroom, N.I.A.F. will celebrate the 35th edition of its historical Gala, awarding personalities that have contributed to spread the Italian culture all around the world. Possible interventions from eminent members of the American administration.
Andrea Liberati
P.D.L. Press Office for Northern America

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