International CEOs gather for G20 Business Summit

The G20 Business Summit will take place alongside the G20 Financial Summit on November 11 and 12 in Seoul. The business summit promises to be another grand event, and the organizing committee has sent out invitations to over 100 CEOs from around the world, including 80 from G20 member nations and 20 from non-member nations.

The participants will consider several important issues, including trade, investment and finance, green growth, and corporate responsibility, to prepare for further discussion at the G20 Financial Summit.

According to the organizing committee, world-renowned CEOs, including Bill Gates of Microsoft, have agreed to attend the G20 Business Summit, which will be held at the Seoul Sheraton Walkerhill Hotel on November 10.

CEOs who have confirmed their attendance at the business summit include Josef Ackermann (Deutsche Bank), Stephen Green (HSBC Bank), Vikram Pandit (Citigroup), Joseph Saunders (Visa), Kenichi Watanabe (Nomura Holdings) and others in the finance sector.

In the manufacturing, IT and energy sectors, Lakshmi Narayan Mittal (ArcerlorMittal), Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Nestle), Paul Jacobs (Qualcomm), Christophe de Margerie (Total SA), Franz Fehrenbach (Robert Bosche GmbH), and Anne Lauvergeon (Areva SA) will also attend.

1st line: Paul Jacobs (Qualcomm Inc.), Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Nestle Co.,) President, Ma Weihwa (China Merchants Bank) / 2nd Line: Roger Agnelli (Vale Co.,) Chey Tae-won (SK Group), Josef Ackermann (Detusche Bank Chairman) / 3rd Line: Anne Lauvergeon (Areva SA), Yasuchika Hasegawa (Takeda Pharmaceutical), Lakshmi Narayan Mittal (ArcerlorMittal)

Korean businessman Chey Tae-won of SK Group was appointed to host the discussion on renewable energy and green growth. The business summit will start with a welcome dinner party on November 10. The following day, there will be a roundtable meeting from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with CEOs divided into 12 working groups. The leaders of the G20 Financial Summit will also be invited to attend that day. The organizing committee will appoint a select number of CEOs as conveners to lead and coordinate the discussions.

“The final report produced by the G20 Business Summit will have been the result of several prior meetings and close coordination. All these efforts will be linked with G20 Summit talks,” explained the organizing committee. “As this is a first attempt to establish a private channel to the G20 talks, this will make the summit meeting more complete and add to its credentials.”

Meanwhile the G20 Financial Summit in Seoul will bring together 20 world leaders, plus the heads of various international organizations. The summit will address the establishment of a global financial safety net to prepare for potential future financial crisis and issues surrounding development.

For more information on the G20 Business Summit, please visit:

By Kim Hee-sung Staff Writer

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