President Lee, Ecuadorian leader held summit talks at Cheong Wa Dae

President Lee Myung-bak held a summit meeting with Ecuadorian leader Rafael Correa Delgado and discussed substantial measures to boost bilateral cooperation on Sep. 8 at the presidential residence in Seoul, Cheong Wa Dae.

President Lee expressed his satisfaction with the concerted efforts of the two countries to strengthen friendship and cooperation since the establishment of the diplomatic relationship in 1962 to his Ecuadorian counterpart. Lee also said this visit will create momentum for enhancing bilateral ties.

President Delgado showed strong interest in Korea’s expertise and know-how in economic development. Delgado said he expects Korean companies to enter into Ecuador’s energy, resources and infrastructure industries, the core sectors of the country’s national development project.

President Lee, in response, said not only the Korean government but also its private sector will do their utmost to help Ecuador successfully carry out its national development projects. Lee asked the Ecuadorian government to provide active support for Korean firms so that they can participate in the Ecuadorian government’s development projects for building infrastructure in the energy sector, and developing the energy and mineral resources sectors.

Lee expressed thanks for the Ecuadorian government’s decision to introduce Korea’s e-customs system in South America. The two leaders also agreed to advance bilateral cooperation of the both governments in the information technology sector.

President Lee Myung-bak (right) meets Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa Delgado at Cheong Wa Dae on Sep.8 in Seoul.

Meanwhile, President Delgado urged the Korean government to expand the level of development cooperation in Ecuador’s development projects so that the country can achieve sustainable economic growth and make social progress. President Lee, in return, said that the Korean government will expand the extent of its economic cooperation for the Ecuadorian government’s solar energy and wind energy development projects. On top of this, President Lee said that the Korean government would examine Ecuador’s inclusion in its Knowledge Sharing Program in 2011 in a positive light.

President Lee also explained the Korean government’s stance over the sinking of the Korean naval ship Cheonan to his Ecuadorian counterpart. President Delgado expressed his condolences to the bereaved families. The two leaders agreed that Pyongyang should stop its provocative acts in the Korean Peninsula. They also exchanged opinions in key global issues like climate change.

After holding the summit, the two leaders attended a ceremony where the officials of the two countries signed memoranda of understanding on the introduction of Korea’s e-customs system to Ecuador and the bilateral cooperation in renewable energy sector. The two countries also signed MOUs and a letter of intent for the environment, IT and oil sectors.

By Yoon Sojung Staff Writer

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