Enjoy Gwanghwamun’s cultural scene through the "Sejong Belt"

Visitors to Gwanghwamun can now enjoy a range of performances and cultural facilities with the purchase of a single ticket.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government has launched a new cultural project called the “Sejong Belt,” a city-wide initiative comprised of 50 different tour packages. The new ticketing and information center for the Sejong Belt is located at Haechi Madang, in Gwanghwamun Square.

Sejong Belt connects 30 different arts and cultural organizations, spanning five performance halls, six museums, five art galleries, and several heritage sites around Gwanghwamun, enabling citizens and tourists to take in multiple performances, exhibitions, museums, and royal palaces with ease.

* Buy your tickets at Haechi Madang

Haechi Madang is a cultural event, exhibition, and performance space connected to Gwanghwamun Station and the surrounding commercial area, directly beneath Gwanghwamun Square.

The “Information Zone” offers a list of things to do, travel tips, and advice on cultural events, while the “Media Wall” shows videos and introduces supporting organizations. At kiosks, visitors can search for Sejong Belt products and read e-books. In addition to acting as an event space and multimedia information center, it provides historical, geographical, and cultural information.

Its role has expanded to include a special one-stop ticketing and reservation service. The ticket center will be open daily from 10:30 to 20:30, and feature professional cultural arts coordinators to help visitors choose a program in four different languages (Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese.)

* Customized for you! Package products at discount prices

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon (Photo: Yonhap News)

Sejong Belt travel packages are categorized by area, time, and theme, and offer 20~50% off regular ticket prices, with specials changing monthly. Some packages also include walking tours of Seoul.

The “One Fine Day” package from the “Love and Heart” themed section, for example, has tickets to the musical “Jump,” admission to the art gallery at Deoksugung Palace and the agricultural museum, and a walking tour of the Cheonggyecheon Stream. A bargain at a mere 34,000 won, it’s 30% cheaper than the original price of 55,000 won.

Thanks to the success of the “1000 won Happiness” campaign by the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul city will also offer a “10,000 Won Dream” ticket, a one-day pass for performances and exhibitions in the Sejong Belt.

Regular tickets and travel packages will be available on-line beginning in early September, and reservations can be made either through the Sejong Belt webpage (www.sejongbelt.com Korean only) or downloaded via the Sejong Belt application available from T-store (www.tstore.co.kr Korean only.)

By Cindy Ji-Eon Kim
Korea.net Staff Writer

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