One of the best ways to help combat stress from COVID-19 confinement is to close down negative thinking


Professor Eugenio Proto, expert in Behavioural Economics at University of Glasgow Adam Smith Business School highlighted the importance of: “Avoid hearing too much bad news and think about your own personal exit strategy when negative thoughts start to populate your mind.”

Professor Proto contributed to a panel of economists, sociologists, behavioral scientists, and public policy experts from institutions in 15 countries to answer questions which could lead to better wellbeing policy.

And this week, the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Barcelona GSE) published the results of the survey conducted by the World Wellbeing Panel (WWP) which asked: “How can we maintain wellbeing during isolation while facing huge emotional stress from the threat of the COVID-19 virus?”

The WWP survey highlighted:

• Extensive social isolation can have serious mental and physical health implications, even among well-prepared groups like scientists and astronauts.

• Mentally and emotionally healthy citizens restart economies, create markets, pay taxes; those who are mentally and emotionally unhealthy will be incapable of resuming normal lives, a long-term cost for society.

Further expert advice from the WWP survey on how to keep up wellbeing  includes :

·  Maintain social interactions

·  Have a routine

·  Deal with negative thinking

·  Develop healthy habits

·  Work on the future and on yourself.


Notes to Editors

The World Wellbeing Panel (WWP) is organized by the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Barcelona GSE) in collaboration with the London School of Economics, Economics, the Victoria University of Wellington, and the University of Queensland. It promotes wellbeing as the ultimate purpose of all major decision makers, particularly governments.

Several times a year, the WWP calls on a panel of more than 50 economists, sociologists, behavioral scientists, and public policy experts from institutions in 15 countries to answer questions of relevance to wellbeing policy. These surveys foster debate which over time should lead to better policies and decisions.

Full results of the World Wellbeing Survey

Professor Eugenio Proto is available for interview, please contact him on 07800 594738 or email

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