VENICE MASKED, an Exhibition in the Occasion of VENICE BIENNALE OF ARCHITECTURE 2021

An Exhibition to Open a Dialogue on the Future of Public Space ( is being presented on the occasion of the 17th Venice Biennale of Architecture, Venice, VE, Italy, May 29, 2021 – November 22, 2021, and will be displayed on the Cooper Union (New York NY, USA) School of Architecture webpage. A catalog accompanying the virtual exhibit was published in October 2021 by Milestone Architecture PLLC in collaboration with House of Nehesi Publishers and it was edited by Margaret Matz, Donato Giacalone, Sara Florian, Kay Krekow, and Lasana Sekou with contributions by Paola Barcarolo, Frank Gerard Godlewski, and Drew Knapp. VENICE MASKED honors the city of Venice and the Cooper Union Professor Diane Lewis, AR’76.

VENICE MASKED 2021 is curated by alumni of the Cooper Union, New York (USA), and IUAV, Venice (Italy), Paola Barcarolo, Frank Gerard Godlewski AR’82, Drew Knapp A’75, Margaret Matz AR’83 of Milestone Architecture PLLC, and Donato Giacalone AR’83 of Salam & Giacalone Architects PC.

The exhibition, which has been available in a digital format since the opening of the Biennale (May 22, 2021), aims to open a dialogue on the future of public spaces in Venice and to employ design solutions, art installations, and videos as tools to envision the future of the lagoon city.  Participants to VENICE MASKED address the pandemic challenges experienced in Venice through future-thinking projects and with dedication to the city’s energy—from the physical to the metaphysical, the sociological, and the spiritual. They distinguish the difference between creating a building and creating architecture within the atmosphere that is particular to Venice. Public squares, ports, canals, basilicas, and many other public spaces share a connective relationship with one another which speaks to their underlying lineage to the city of Venice. Here, as described by the VENICE MASKED invitation, “Architecture can be both the form and void spaces, each equally weighted and considered in their relations whether explicit, implicit, or virtual.”

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