The migration Conundrum: Challenges for a Common European Response | 06 September 2021, 3pm CEST

Concerning migration management, the EU seems to be stuck in a rut. Despite proposals made last September of a New Pact on Migration and Asylum, only very few steps have been taken since to materialize concrete changes. The latest increase in arrivals (and victims) along the Central Mediterranean route as well as the recent diplomatic crisis between Morocco and Spain were not followed by tangible results in the last European Council of 24-25 June. What can EU countries and their partners do to govern migration in a spirit of collaboration and solidarity? How to strike common ground among member states for a comprehensive reform of European migration policies?
The migration Conundrum: Challenges for a Common European Response

06 September, 3pm CEST


Panel Discussion

Chiara Cardoletti

Representative to Italy, the Holy See and San Marino, UNHCR

Julien Simon

Regional Coordinator for the Mediterranean, ICMPD

Matthieu Tardis

Research Fellow, Center for Migration and Citizenship, IFRI



Matteo Villa

Research Fellow, ISPI

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