England 10 English

Chancellor of Germany

To Angela Merkel

To President of France

Emmanuel Macron

Premier Minister of England

To Boris Johnson

Premier Minister of Japan

To Shinzō Abe


N1 The Future Avenue of

Khor Virap-Mountain Ararat,

Church Khor Virap

The holy place of the old and


from Khachatryan U.


Dear Merkel

Dear Macron

Dear Johnson

Dear Shinzō Abe


Amount of Deposits required, shown from my side help

  1. For to become a champion in the Premier League must give me 100 million pounds sterling for which I will pay 5% from the loan amount each year. And Chelsea, whom I helped three times to become a champion of Premier Liga, should pay 300 million pounds sterling.
  2. For to become a Champion of football championship of Europe must be give me 1 billion pounds sterling for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  3. For to become a World Champion of football championship must give me 2 billion euro for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  4. For to become a Hockey World Champion must give me 1 billion euro for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  5. For to become a USA president must give me 5 billion dollars for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  6. For to become a Champion of football championship of France, Italy, Spain and Germany must give me 100 million euro credit for which I will pay 5% from the loan amount each year.
  7. So that it was warm in winter and cool in summer in Europe must give me 2 billion euro loan for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year (for USA 5 billion $, for Canada and Australia 3 billion $, for Russia 1 billion dollar, for Japan 3 billion dollar).
  8. So that there are no earthquakes and typhoon in Japan must give 3 billion euro for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  9. For to become a champion of football championship of Latin America must give me 500 million $ loan for which I will pay 5% from the loan amount each year.
  10. For to become a champion of football championship of USA must give 500 million $ loan for which I will pay 5% from the loan amount each year.
  11. For to become a president of France must give 3 billion euro loan for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  12. In order to eliminate economic problems of foreign parties must give 3 billion euro loan, which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  13. In order to eliminate economic sanctions against Iran must give 3 billion dollars, which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  14. In the Near East in order to create a new Japan must give a loan of 10-100 billion dollars. In the case of 10 billion, New Japan will be created during 10-20 years, in the case 100 billion during 5-7 years, which I will pay 1% from the loan amount each year.
  15. In order to exclusion or absence war and terrorism on Earth on 100% must give 1$ trillion loan, which I will pay 1% from the loan amount each year.
  16. So that it was warm in winter and cool in summer in USA, must give me 5 billion $ loan for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  17. So that there are no earthquakes, fire and floods in USA must give me 3 billion $ for which I will pay 3% from the loan amount each year.
  18. For to become a champion of football championship of Spain, you must give me a 100 million euro loan.
  19. For to live a hundred years, you must give me 100 million pounds sterling, for which I will pay only 1% per year.
  20. For to live 120 years, you must give me 200 million pounds sterling, for which I will pay only 1% per year.
  21. For to live 150 years, you must give me 500 million pounds sterling, for which I will pay only 1% per year.
  22. To the elimination of an important problem for Japan, Japan must give me $ 40 billion credit for 100 years, for which I will pay 0.1% each year.
  23. To become a champion of European football championships, you need to provide a loan of 500 million euro for which I will pay 3% each year.
  24. In order to solve for every almost impossible problems of Germany, you must give me 500 billion euro loan for 100 years, for which I will pay 0.1% every year.
  25. To eliminate the problems of former and current presidents, France, the USA, Armenia and other countries, it is necessary to provide 1 billion dollars for 10 years, for which I will pay 3% every year.

With this money will be built residential buildings, hotels, shopping centers, various profitable enterprises and power plants.

All under construction objects will have at least twice the price, than the amount invested. For example, on one billion dollars will be built objects worth 2 billion dollars.

All construction will be carried out by their own construction companies.

By the way, all the construction objects can be to serve by a guarantor for a loan.

All credits should be issued for 10 years for which I will pay 0,1-5% from the loan amount.

The credits will be invested in the Republic of Armenia.

Best Regards Khachatryan U


Email: icanhelpyou2020@gmail.com



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