Charles Onyeabor “They can’t pull us down”

Tell me how you feel right now

the more you look the less you see ee ee

so many people want us down

but they can never never pull us down


Yea, they wanna pull us down

No, they can’t they can’t, they can’t pull us down


No be say I just dey  yan

No be say I just dey yan

You know say I got the Grace

And I got the flow


No be say I just dey  yan

No be say I just dey yan

You know say I got the Flow

And I got the swag, like


Life is now, oh oh oh oh

Life is now “, you better live it

Life is now

Live  and let live ooooooooooo



Chelu chelu chelu chelu chelu


When they see us passing by

And they keep on wondering how we do it

We are heading to the top

And there is  nothing there can do about it


Yea, We heading to the top

No, they can’t they can’t,

they can’t pull us down


No be say I just dey  yan

No be say I just dey yan

You know say I got the Flow

And I got the vibe


No be say I just dey  yan

No be say I just dey yan

I got the Grace

And I got the flow, like


Life is now oh oh oh oh

Life is now “, you better live it

Life is now

Live and let live oooooooooo

Lets live it

Life is now oh oh oh oh

Life is now “, you better live it

Life is now

Live  and let live oooooooooo

Yea Yea

Life is right now, u better live your life the way u want now, ah ah

Life is right now, u better live your life the way u want now, ah ah

Life is right now, u better live your life the way u want now, ah ah

Life is right now, u better live your life the way u want now, ah ah

Life is right now, u better live your life the way u want now, ah ah

Life is right now, u better live your life the way u want now, ah ah

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