Marche PGI (Protected Geographic Indication)

There are so many olive oil labels in the marketplace, and often the purchase decision can be confusing. Consumers find difficulties between regions and countries. All they want is the right quality product to consume. We all have heard of Sicilian, Tuscan, Apulian, and other olive oils connected to various regions and countries but how to buy can be a burden. Today, I’ll offer an overview of oil from Marche, the central-eastern part of Italy, one of the most underrated EVO, but making waves among chefs and foodies.

Marche PGI (Protected Geographic Indication), extra virgin olive oil is obtained from several olive varietals such as the soft Ascolana, Carboncella, Coroncina, Mignola, and many others. Marche grows as many as 16 different fruits and at least 85% of the groves. To better understand: olive oil can be a single cultivar (one varietal in the bottle) or mixed.

For the proper production method, the olives must be harvested directly from the tree, either manually or mechanically. Before milling, the olives must be defoliated and washed with water at ambient temperature.

They are only using traditional mechanical and physical processes to extract the oil to prevent the alteration of the fruit’s qualitative characteristics. All of the oil extraction processes occur within 48 hours of harvesting, with December 15th as goal date. The oil will appear yellow-green, medium fruity, bitter, and piquant flavor, with small variations tending towards either more robust or lighter. 

The fruit offers fresh herbal notes accompanied by a typical scent of grass, at times accompanied/replaced by hints of almond and artichoke depending on the common varietal and produced throughout the region, specifically with local-grown olives.

Olive growing in the Marche has ancient origins. However, the most reliable historical sources go back to the first references to “Marche” oil, in the XIII century, around the time of the Signorie (lords). Ancient texts, for example, the capitularies of the Arte dei “Ternieri” di Venezia, written in 1263, refer to how “olio de Marchia” was separated from the other similar products and sold at a higher price because of the quality of its color and flavor. This reputation was also confirmed over the following centuries when Marche the oil was exported to other regions. In 1828, the great poet Giacomo Leopardi wrote in a letter to his father that “olio della Marca” was also famous outside the area.

Extra virgin olive oil is a highly perishable food that must be stored correctly. My suggestion is to keep it in a cool place away from light or strong smells, at a temperature between 10 and 18° C. Treasure it and enjoy it over any food you like. Three tablespoons a day would be ideal.

Thanks to the unique hints of grass, almond, and artichoke, conferred by the local varieties, Marche PGI extra virgin olive oil is suitable for local traditional recipes and as a condiment. When purchasing olive oil, I recommend reading the label carefully. You want to have the lowest possible number of oleic acid. This Marche olive oil will not exceed 0.4 per 100 grams of fat, and that is very good. Also, check the polyphenol content, which you’ll want very high. After some attempts, you will be able to decipher a label and become an expert, hopefully helping you decide.

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