IDEEMATEC presented with the Top Brand PV Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Solar Industry in MENA Region

Bonn, April 23th, 2020. IDEEMATEC, a German manufacturer of tracking systems for utility large scale solar PV installations was presented the Top Brand PV Award MENA by Joint Forces for Solar and EUPD Research. They were awarded for being a leading supplier and developer of a market leading single axis tracking systemsfor solar projects and for their outstanding contributions towards the development of the solar PV sector in the MENA region. In the past years, IDEEMATEC has positioned itself as market leader with high brand recognition among downstream industry players.

The Top Brand PV Award is recognized as a leading certification within the global solar and energy storage industries and honors best-in-class players along the entire value chain for their outstanding contribution towards the development of the solar PV sector on both a country and regional level. Award winners are identified in a thorough approach by taking quantitative as well as qualitative factors into consideration, including market shares and industry recommendation levels derived from interviews conducted by EUPD Research and Joint Forces for Solar.

IDEEMATEC was awarded for their contribution to the development of solar energy projects in region having supplied to significant volumes especially for solar projects in Jordan, Egypt and Morocco. To date, the mounting and tracking systems supplied by IDEEMATEC support solar panels with a capacity of more than 860 MW across Middle East and 170 MW in Africa. High quality products produced e.g at the production site in Saudi-Arabia combined with downstream services including planning, construction, commissioning and operation and maintenance support have allowed IDEEMATEC achieve a leading position in the region.

Further production facilities are located in Europe and Asia. The diversified geographic set-up as well as independence from steel producers has enabled IDEEMATEC reduce costs for project developers with their just-in-time delivery and proximity to the construction sites. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and subsequent impacts on supply chains and restrictions on international transportation, the company is able to react flexibly and timely to continuously meet delivery schedules with high-quality products to its customers around the world.

The outstanding technical innovations and over 50 patents deliver the most reliable and wind resistant 2P tracker solution in the market. Recently, IDEEMATEC supplied 50 MW solar project in Vietnam and another 200 MW and 60 MW solar with the signature mounting systems safeTrack Horizon is currently under concstruction in Spain and Greece.
­About Joint Forces for Solar

Joint Forces for Solar (JF4S) is a global synergy of solar stakeholders ranging from multinational corporations to industry associations and local installation companies who partner in the mission to expand the use of solar technologies at the global, regional and local level and establish a vibrant renewable and clean energy industry. Founded in 2009, the JF4S have grown to be the leading global business and knowledge platform and enabler.

We are committed to a sustainable future for our planet and all generations to come! Economic development and GHG-emissions are growing simultaneously. But there are better solutions to fossil fuels that will accelerate growth more sustainably: renewable energy.

­About EUPD Research

Since its establishment in 2000, EUPD Research has developed innovative and integrated solutions for companies geared to sustainability. With our primary data-based market research and consulting services, we lead your company strategy to success. Our areas of expertise are technology sectors such as photovoltaics, energy storage, heat pumps and electric mobility but also the corporate health sector. It is our goal to help you become and stay competitive to create optimal framework conditions and to develop business opportunities.

We maximize your business potential by means of effectiveness, productivity and foresight. We develop products and services that create added values and help to strengthen your market position.



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