Get ready for your trip to Italy…

Please join us on May 6th at the Italian American Museum for Italian classes with a focus on conversation and exploring lesser known parts of Italy and their unique cuisine.

We are delighted to offer the following courses, taught by highly respected and experienced teachers:

Beginners l: For students who have little or no knowledge of Italian.

Beginners 2 : For students who know the basic tenses (present, future, some past) and would like to move forward with their conversation skills.

Intermediate: For students who want to build on the basics and move on to more complex speech, utilizing tenses such as imperfect and conditional.

• When: Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm starting on May 6th and ending on June 24th

• Where: Italian American Museum , 155 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10013

• Fee: $225

• Registration: May 6, 2015 at the Italian American Museum beginning at 5:30pm or by mail. (See below).

For more information, please contact Josephine Belli by telephone at 212-772-6615 or via email:



NAME: _______________________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________


PHONE: ______________________________________________ (H)

______________________________________________ (W)

E-Mail: _____________________________________________________

Please circle the class you wish to take:

1. Beginners l: Wednesdays at 6:30pm starting on May 6th

2. Beginners 2: Wednesdays at 6:30pm starting on May 6th

3. Conversation: Wednesdays at 6:30pm starting on May 6th

Cost of course: $225


If you would like to register by mail, please send a check payable to IACE, along with the registration form to the following address:


c/o Josephine Belli

80 East End Avenue, 7B

New York, NY l0028

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