Children's Italian Cultural Workshop
Conducted by Mariuccia Romano
Music by Pino Contursi
Join in the fun as Mariuccia and Pino sing and dance with you in Italian!
Play musical instruments! Speak Italian! Dance with castanets!

Performer Mariuccia Romano and musician Pino Contursi will entertain and teach the children in attendance traditional Italian songs and dances on Saturday morning June 30.

Ms. Romano is the director of Coro d'Italia, America's oldest Italian ensemble celebrating their 80th Anniversary this year. She is also the founder of their Bambini d'Italia Children's Ensemble and has been sharing Italian American culture for over 15 years. Mr. Contursi is a guitarist, mandolinist and Italian language teacher. Canta, Balla con noi! Sing, dance with us!

For children ages 4 to 10 (with Parental Supervision)

Saturday, June 30
11am – 12pm
Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)
New York, NY 10013
Suggested donation: $15 per family
Recommended ages: 4 to 10 (with Parental Supervision)
To reserve a place for this workshop, please call the
Italian American Museum at (212) 965-9000

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