Storie Per Bambini

Storie Per Bambini
Story Time for Children
The Museum invites all children ages 4 to 10 (with parental supervision) to listen to stories and participate in fun filled, age appropriate activities!
Please join us for the very first story hour at the Italian American Museum on Saturday, May 5th!
Featured Book:
All the Way to America
The Story of a Big Italian Family and A Little Shovel
by Italian American Author and Illustrator
Dan Yaccarino
The children in attendance will listen to a tale of Italian Heritage featuring themes of immigration, hard work, enjoying life and remembering family. They will also explore the Museum and discuss which objects in the Museum represent how some Italian immigrants worked hard, enjoyed life and remembered family. They will learn Italian words and participate in a fun follow-up art activity.
Saturday May 5, 2012 – 11:00am – 12:00pm
Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
New York, NY 10013
Suggested donation of $15 per family
Recommended ages: 4 to 10 (with Parental Supervision)
To reserve a place for Story Time please call the
Italian American Museum at (212) 965-9000
For information on the Museum's Travel Program, please call (718) 597-1414
or email:
The IAM is chartered by the University of the State of New York and has a 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS.

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