Korean museums team up for artsy strolls along Cheonggyecheon Plaza

Yang Soo-in, Itjanayo (You Know…), 2011 (Photos courtesy of the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea)

Three Korean art museums are teaming up this fall to introduce a public project titled “Itjanayo (You Know…).”

This is the first part of the Museum Link Exhibition, organized by the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, the Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, and the ARKO (Arts Council Korea) Art Center. Unveiled on September 7, Korean artist Yang Soo-in’s box-shaped installation piece, “Itjanayo (You Know…),” will be on view at Cheonggyecheon Plaza until October 23. The open-air installation serves as a public cultural venue, where audiences can communicate through art.

Anyone is invited to enter into the giant reflective box, which is lined with one-way mirrors that allow passersby to see in. Not only are audiences given an exceptional chance to get away from the bustle of the city for a brief moment, but also they may freely express themselves in recordings that will be replayed subsequently for others.

This is no coincidence — the plaza has been a place for airing statements throughout history. In search of an open communication platform, the artist encourages viewers to capture the shifting spirit of Seoul at one of its best-known landmarks, where history and modernity coexist.

During a press conference on September 7, Yang Soo-in said that he wanted to elicit positive communication through art. “Once recorded, there will be no way to delete statements,” he added. “Therefore, if one wishes to influence others’ statements, the person should set forth one’s own views more actively.”

Following the Cheonggyecheon project, three exhibitions by the respective participating museums are set to kick off. Starting today, the Arko Art Center will showcase “Bad Romanticism” through to October 30, featuring extensive representations of 20 artists practicing in diverse media encompassing paintings, photography, and installations. Also on display at the Seoul Olympic Museum of Art is “Sculptors’ Drawing,” which can be seen through to November 20. The National Museum of Contemporary Art will host a special exhibition at its Deoksugung Annex from October 17 to December 4.

For more information, please visit the official websites at: www.moca.go.kr (Korean and English) for the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, www.arkoartcenter.or.kr (Korean and English) for the Arko Art Center, and www.somamuseum.org (Korean only) for the Seoul Olympic Museum of Art.

By Hwang Dana
Korea.net Staff Writer

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