NY1 covers the Feast of San Gennaro and speaks with Museum President, Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa

Please visit us during the Feast of San Gennaro.

Now through September 25, 2011

Featuring a 10 minute continuous video highlighting
the history and cultural significance of the Feast of San Gennaro.

Schedule of Events

Saturday, September 24 (Grand Procession) –
2 PM: A colorful parade with floats, marching bands, musical entertainers
and the Statue of San Gennaro through the Streets of Little Italy

Performance Stage Schedule
(Performance stage is located at the intersection of Mott and Grand Streets)

Tuesday, September 20 –
7 to 9:30 PM: Jesse Possa Trio

Wednesday, September 21 –
7 to 10 PM: A Musical Remembrance of … Enrico Caruso

Thursday, September 22 –
7 to 9:30 PM: Sound Affair (Concert)

Friday, September 23 –
7 to 9:30 PM: Vitro Piccone and The Elegants (Concert)

Saturday, September 24 –
6 to 7 PM: Warm-up for Cousin Brucie live Sirius Satellite Radio Music Show
7 to 10 PM: Sirius Satellite Radio live music broadcast hosted by the legendary
disc jockey and radio host Bruce Morrow (Cousin Brucie)

Sunday, September 25 –
6 to 9 PM: Popular singer Jenna Esposito will perform a selection of Italian folk songs
and songs made famous by Italian American vocalists.

Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
New York, NY 10013

Tel: 212.965.9000
Email: Info@ItalianAmericanMuseum.org

The Feast of San Gennaro is presented by Figli Di San Gennaro, Inc.

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