2011 Seoul Motor Show, a "Green Revolution on Wheels"

The 2011 Seoul Motor Show is being held from April 1 to 10 at the Korea International Exhibition Center (KINTEX) in the city of Goyang. Under the theme 'Evolution, Green Revolution on Wheels,' the show, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, features 139 companies from eight countries.

More than 1 million visitors are expected for this year’s event, which is the largest in the show’s history. Virtually all domestic Korean brands are participating, including Renault Samsung Motors, Ssangyong Motor Company, and Hyundai Motor Company. Internationally renowned motor companies such as BMW, Honda, and Lincoln have also joined the show.

New domestic cars unveiled to the public for the first time

As part of the Korean government’s efforts to promote “Low Carbon, Green Growth” and reflecting increasing worldwide demand for environmentally-friendly products, many of the cars on display this year have been designed to be “green” vehicles. Hybrid cars, electric cars, and cars that run on hydrogen fuel cells will all be on display.

Several domestic companies are presenting the latest in eco-friendly cars, including Hyundai’s hydrogen-powered “HND-6 Concept,” Kia Motor’s economy sized electric “KND-6,” and the electric car “KEV2 Concept” from Ssangyong Motor Company. Daewoo Bus is also introducing a clean diesel hybrid bus, the “BC211M.”

Eco-friendly vehicles

Renault Samsung Motors’ Marketing Director Frederic Artaud said, “You need excellent car technologies to compete, as the Korean motor market is super competitive. The need for electric vehicles will increase continuously as more Koreans become interested in environmentally-friendly products.”

The motor show features a variety of events for visitors, including prize drawings for a new car. The draw takes place every day at 6:30 p.m., and 12 cars, including a 207GT from Peugeot and a Golf Bluemotion 1.6 TDI from Volkswagen, await the lucky winners. People will also have a chance to test drive eco-friendly hybrid, hydrogen fuel cell and electric cars from 11 different companies, including the Toyota Prius and Peugeot’s new 3008 SUV, from April 4 to 8 at the KINTEX Futsal Stadium.

Visitors can choose to participate in a wide variety of events

There will also be an international seminar on telematics, “Smart Vehicle and Smart Road 2011,” on April 5 and 6. One-on-one meetings with buyers will be held from April 4 to 7, and a formula race and design contest for college students will also be part of events. Visitors can also participate in a photo contest from April 1 to 12 by uploading their pictures to an online forum.

Tickets for the motor show are 9,000 won for adults and 6,000 won for students, and can be purchased through Interpark (www. interpark.co.kr) or on site. KINTEX is located at Daehwa Station on Line 3, and is open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily. For more information, please visit www.motorshow.or.kr.

By Jessica Seoyoung Choi
Korea.net Staff Writer

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