Working smart through smart work systems

The era of 'smart life' dawns in Korea

In the dawn of the “smart era,” workers have welcomed the introduction of “smart work” systems in their companies and organizations.

This new system focuses on efficiency and productivity through the creation of a flexible work environment, unlike the existing work system in Korea, where people spend most of the day inside their cubicles.

Experts predict that smart work will be the most important keyword in Korean society in the coming years.

KT employee at the firm's smart work center

Unlike the conventional “work hard” office culture, smart work is led by the recent development of mobile information communication technology (ICT), including smart phones, tablet PCs and cloud computing. This system will accelerate the shift towards a “smart knowledge society.”

Smart work means having a flexible work system where people have greater choice in when and where they do their work through the use of advanced ICT, without having to come to the office. Smart work can be done at a smart work center, an office area equipped with cutting-edge technology, including personal computers, telephone, fax machines, photo copiers and other high-end office devices, or from other locations like the employee's home.

Already, smart work systems are more popular in Korea than in other countries around the globe, including the United States, Japan or European nations.

Recently, leading Korean firms like KT, Samsung and Amore Pacific have built smart work centers to boost flexibility and productivity.

Workers of Amore Pacific having a video conference. The system enables the firm to reduce the impact of worker absences and speed up the decision-making process..

By introducing the smart work system, firms can upgrade efficiency, flexibility and productivity while saving on office management costs and contributing to green growth by reducing carbon emissions.

Workers can have more time for their personal life, spending time with family members or enjoying hobbies with friends. The system also saves time otherwise spent on commutes, particularly for people who have to travel long distances. Smart work systems allow for more flexibility, including having video conference instead of having to travel back to the office, and even real-time online briefings from overseas.

However, smart work does not mean working anywhere at any time. Generally speaking, most countries and industries where the system is used define it as spending eight hours a day working at home or a smart work center instead of the office, at least once a week. The total number of hours worked remains the same, but exactly when and where can vary.

Smart work center in the Dobong district of Seoul

Backed by strong Internet penetration and advanced IT technology, Korea has the capability to become a leader in smart working systems.

Related government organizations, including the President's Council on Informatization Strategies, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the Korea Communications Commission and the National Information Society Agency, have been making efforts to boost the productivity of smart mobile work systems in the public and private sectors.

Since November last year, the government has opened three smart work centers, located in the Dobong district in Seoul and the Bundang and Bucheon districts in Gyeonggi Province. The smart work center in the Dobong district is the first to be used by both government and private company employees.

The government also announced policy plans to support the smart work system. The Public Administration Ministry announced its plans to promote smart work systems on Jan. 19, including building 50 smart work centers by 2015.

By Yoon Sojung Staff Writer
Adapted from the Weekly Gonggam Magazine

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