Seoul International 3D Fair starts on January 13

The Korea Economic Daily will host the Seoul International 3D Fair, the first technology-related exhibition of its kind to be held in Korea, from January 13-16. The fair is organized under the auspices of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, the National IT Industry Promotion Agency and the Korean Film Council.

Under the slogan “See the world through the 3D,” this four-day event will take place at the Seoul Trade Exhibition and Convention (SETEC). The event will gather professionals and filmmakers at the forefront of 3D technology, as well as corporations specializing in the industry.

The Seoul International 3D Fair includes previews of cutting-edge products in the corporate booth zone, where about 30 companies will unveil their latest technology. Highlights include Samsung Electronics’ large-scale 3D TV screening room, which premiered at the 2010 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last January.

The “3D Experience Zone” will allow attendees to participate in a variety of events, including a “3D Game Battle,” 3D movie screening and quiz show.

In addition, the fair will also feature a symposium on Jan. 13 at 4 pm. Panelists include Jim Miller, CEO of Stereo Pictures America, and Jack Rapke, producer of “Beowulf” and “A Christmas Carol.” Anyone interested in attending the symposium should register in advance through the official webpage, since seating is limited to 200 people only. English translation will be offered throughout the symposium.

The annual event aims to promote and assess the 3D industry’s development and future outlook by featuring worldwide trends in IT and 3D technology. The event is open to all and admission is free.

For more information, please call +82 2 2051 2024~5 or visit the official website at: (Korean only)

For directions to the venue, click here: (Korean, English)

By Hwang Dana Staff Writer

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