A seguito delle dimissione del Presidente Luigi Casagrande e del Segretario Generale, Maria Maruca, occorse in data 25 Maggio u.s., la Camera di Commercio Italiana del Queensland e del Territorio del Nord ha eletto un nuovo direttivo guidato, a partire dal 1 Giugno 2010 dal Comm. On. Santo Santoro in qualità di Presidente con l’obiettivo di guardare al futuro, allo sviluppo, al rafforzamento dei legami commerciali e industriali e alla stabilità economica.

Egli ha sottolineato come i Consiglieri della Camera di Commercio, abbiano un obbligo di agire in una maniera responsabile per promuovere l’Italia in tutti gli ambiti commerciali ed industriali nella nostra circoscrizione ed ha confermato il massimo impegno al fine di creare iniziative e progetti a beneficio dei membri della camera e dell’interscambio commerciale fra Italia ed Australia, seguendo le linee guida dettate dal Ministero dello Sviluppo e da Assocamere Estero.

Tra le nuove nomine alla Camera di Commercio di Brisbane, si registrano gli ingressi del Dott. Peter Costello, attuale “financial controller” della multi-nazionale Italiana, Ansaldo STS, nella qualifica di Tesoriere, degli imprenditori Mario Pennisi e Hugh Ritchie, e la riconferma della sig.ra Gloria Robertiello. Alla vice-presidenza è stato scelto, l’avvocato Fabio Orlando. Il neo eletto comitato ha formalmente richiesto la collaborazione e assistenza delle istituzioni Italiane per assicurare un avvenire positivo per la Camera e per costruire progetti duraturi ad esclusivo beneficio dei rapporti commerciali dei due paesi.

Lo scorso 6 luglio il Comitato ha designato quale nuovo Segretario Generale, il Cav. Alessandro Sorbello, business man, distinto nel settore delle nuove tecnoologie e media e produttore di eventi di successo fra cui la Settimana Italiana di Brisbane.



Following the resignations of President, Luigi Casagrande and Secretary – General, Maria Maruca on 25 May 2010, the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Queensland and Northern Territory elected a new board of directors, lead by Comm. Hon. Santo Santoro as of 1 June 2010, with the aim to look to the future, to development, the strengthening of commercial and industrial ties and economic stability.

President Santoro, continued by underlining how the directors of the Chamber of Commerce have an obligation to act in a responsible manner in order to efficiently promote Italy at all levels both commercially and industrially in this jurisdiction and confirmed maximum commitment to create projects and initiatives for the benefit of the members of the Chamber and commercial interexchange between Italy and Australia following the guidelines stipulated by the Italian Ministry of Development and “Assocamere Estero”.

Amongst the new appointments of the Chamber of Commerce of Brisbane, registered were the entries of Peter Costello present Head of Market Development for Italian multi-national ANSALDO STS Asia Pacific operations, who assumed the position of Treasurer, businessmen Mario Pennisi and Hugh Ritchie whilst reconfirmed was, Gloria Robertiello. In the position of Vice-President, lawyer Fabio Orlando was appointed. The newly elected board of directors formally requested the collaboration and assistance of the Italian institutions in a bid to secure a positive future for the Chamber by creating continuative projects at the exclusive benefit of enhancing the commercial relations between the two countries.

On 6 July 2010 the Board formally appointed Cav. Alessandro Sorbello to the position of Secretary General, Cav. Sorbello comes from over 25 years of running successful businesses in media and new technology and producer of successful events such as the Official Italian Week of Queensland in collaboration with the Consulate of Italy.

– Update of records and New Administration –

Secretary General Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Qld)

Commencing 5th of July 2010, Cav. Alessandro Sorbello has been appointed to the position of Secretary General and will oversee the ongoing and daily business of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Qld).

Mobile – 0410 243 548
Chamber Phone: – 07 3392 2499
Chamber Fax: – 07 3392 1022

President Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Qld)

Please be advised that as of the commencement of June 2010, the new President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce is Commendatore the Hon. Santo Santoro.

Contact details

Business: – 07 3262 4266

Business Fax: – 07 3262 9965

Chamber Phone: – 07 3392 2499
Chamber Fax : – – 07 3392 1022

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