Le Isole Lontane

The Writings of Bartolo Cattafi
Reading & lecture by Nino Sottle Zumbo in Italian
English translation by Salvatore G. Rotella, Ph.D.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 – 6:00pm
Le Isole Lontane. The Writings of Bartolo Cattafi. Edited by Nino Sottle Zumbo. Printed by Giovan Battista Magno Press, Messina, Italy.

This short volume brings together in an elegant format the reportages of a physical as well as mental voyage that goes from the Strait of Messina to the Aeolian Islands, from the Egadi and Pelagian Islands to Ustica and Pantelleria and from the mountainous villages in the province of Messina such as Castroreale, Santa Lucia del Mela and Rometta all the way up to the Coast of England.

Barrtolo Cattafi, a unique Sicilian poet of the last century, was born in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto in 1922 and died in 1979. His poetry has been translated into most of the major modern languages.

Nino Sottile Zumbo was born in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Province of Messina, Italy in 1961. He has a degree in Jurisprudence from the University of Messina and has done post-graduate work in the Economics of culture and Theory of Communication.

He is an arts critic and is the Director of the Ethno-Anthropological Museum “Nello Cassata” of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto. In 1989 he founded a quarterly journal of politics and culture entitled Aque e Terre. He has taught Ethno-Anthropology at the University of Messina and has directed several international festivals.

Many of his publications are about individuals and events of the region in which he resides and works. For example: Seme di Arancia of Emilio Isgro', is about the work of an artist from Barcellona; La Magia del Fare, is a description of the museum Mr. Zumbo directs; Cattafi Artista, is aabout the poet and writer from Barcellona; Le Vare del Venerdi' Santo, is about the Holy Friday procession in Barcellona famous for its pageantry and historical meaning; Il Gioco dei Tarocchi.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 – 6:00pm
Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
New York, NY 10013
Seating is limited

To reserve a place for this event please call the
Italian American Museum at (212) 965-9000

This program is sponsored in part by funds from the
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

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