Italian American Museum Founder & President Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa

Italian American Museum Founder & President Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa
presenting earthquake relief fund check to
Italy’s Minister of Cultural Affairs Sandro Bondi.

Earthquake –– Aid of Italian Americans.

One Hundred and Ten Thousand U.S. Dollars delivered by the Italian American Museum

10/28/2009 ROME. The Italian American Museum in Little Italy in New York, presented $110,000 which will finance the restoration of Our Lady of Pietranico, terracotta works of the sixteenth century, attributed to Saturnino Gatti, which was housed in the Museo Nazionale d’Abruzzo and which was almost completely destroyed in the earthquake that shook the Aquila and Abruzzo on April 6.

The announcement was made by the Italy’s Minister of Cultural Affairs Sandro Bondi at a meeting yesterday afternoon at the ministry with the president of the Italian American Museum Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa, and other representatives of the community.

Once restored, perhaps as early as next year, said Bondi, the Madonna will be brought to America and exhibited at the Italian American Museum, perhaps along with other Italian works of art, which will be on loan for a temporary exhibition at the museum.

Known as adoring Madonna, the sculpture is made of polychrome terracotta and has a height of 105 centimeters. The Madonna is depicted sitting with the Child on her knee with her hands holding him. The condition of the Madonna was already compromised before the earthquake, and the Child was missing. The quake has damaged hundreds of pieces that have been meticulously collected for restoration. Only the lower part was saved and put on exhibit on the occasion of the G8 summit, and titled “The nice eagle can never perish.”

For the history of Abruzzi, experts say, this is a very important piece because it represents the specialization achieved by Abruzzi sculptors between the fifteenth and sixteenth century in the terracotta technique, following the excellent example set by Silvestro Di Giacomo and Saturnino Gatti.

The donation, said Italian American Museum president Scelsa –– whom awarded Bondi with a gold medal with the image of Guiseppi Garibaldi on it (Hero of Two Worlds) –– is the result of a collection made from many small donors. Scelsa noted, “This will be important to exhibit the statue in America once restored, to show donors the fruits of their generosity.” The funds will go directly to the National Museum of Abruzzo, visited yesterday by the American delegation. “An incredible emotional visit” said Scelsa.

The president of the Italian American Museum (which was founded in 2001 and is funded partly by public funds from the U.S. government and the City of New York, and partly by private sources) corresponded directly with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Affairs. Scelsa emphasized that Senator Lucio Malan, chairman of the Fondazione Italiani Americani, was essential to the establishment of this relationship.”

The Italian American Museum continues to actively collect funds on behalf of the earthquake relief effort. Please make your check payable to “IAM Earthquake Relief Fund, 2009” and mail it to “Italian American Museum, 155 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10013”.

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