Caso Parlanti

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Something is rotten in the Ventura County

Ventura District Attorney

Cc Gran Jury of California

Cc Governor of California


CC Attorney General of California

cc. Bar Association of Attorney

Dear Sir,

I do not know if you realise that the content of your e mail is scandalous and offensive to human intelligence.

I have spoken to three different investigators at your office and on the following pages you will find the statement of Mr Greg Hayes which confirms that investigations will be made. Perhaps at that time Mr. Hayes did not know that you wanted to keep everying covered up. This is an offence to human intelligence. I would like to bring your attention also to the recording of Mr. Romero

“If she presented false evidence, if she lied she is a criminal”

Is is not perhaps true that the alleged victim declared:

Day 8 dicember Direct examination, web file from pag 157 ).PDF)

Now, you testified that you took some photographs of

yourself, correct?

A. Yes.

Q Where were you in your apartment when you took those


A. In my bathroom, sitting on top of the toilet.

Here you will see the photos of the bathroom and the and this from a logical and technical point of view should clearly show that she is lying. But there is more, and it is this:

And you well know that in the place of the “omissis” there are particulars which show in a detailed and scientific manner that the woman lied in court.

Again, at the hearing on 9th December 2005 ).htm)

Q. And the — when you developed all those photos, all 12 photos, you developed them where?

A. Like at an Eckerds. Is that what you're asking me?

Q. What city, for instance?

A. Parker, Oklahoma.

Q. When you went back to Oklahoma, you had them developed, correct?

A. Yes.

Q. You probably kept all the pictures together, correct?

A. Yes.

You know well that the orginal photos are printed on a different paper and are a different size to the those taken in the house. Other lies and presentation of false evidence, so much so that Mr. Gilbert Romero only produced to the jury photocopies of those on the file, and not the originals. Seeing that your detective Leslie Robertson at our last meeting made me note the different size of the photo, could it be that you knew that the evidence was false?

Do you remember the deposition of Dr. Munchester? pag 1209 speaks about the healing of the bone tissue of the ribs that goes from 2 to 6 weeks.

Various experts, even American, say that the healing and appearance of the bone callus goes from 6 to 8 weeks. Considering that the x-rays were done on the 22nd July, the fractures could not have been from mid-June and therefore the injury occurred before the alleged attack so either the doctor lied or the doctor is not a professional.

I challenge any doctor to find coherence in what was stated at the hearing on the pages indicated above, with what is the reality of the facts declared by Dr. Pozzi at this link ) and about what was written in the medical report of 22nd July at this link ) , as I also challenge any doctor to declare that the medical report of the 5th November ) is congruent, after 5 months the woman had a black eye ….no, before, now when went to the police

And avoid any interpretation it does not say “has been” or “it resulted in..” it says “has a…(omissis) very black eye resulting from…” either it has it, or the doctor was incapable of describing the fact.

Confirmed again here ) second indication

I would like to remind you that at the trial, a case was opened on three things: the accusation of the woman, photographs and ribs – all three have been proved to be implausible. It has been shown to you that the woman produced diaries that were not put into circulation before June 2002, but they were dated January of that year, further false evidence apart from all the perjury in court.

How can a statement similar to the one below be accepted in a court:

“Ma'am, you testified on direct examination that

Mr. Parlanti put his — on the night of the 29th of June of

'02, put his hand inside of your vagina. You describe it as

his fist; is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q And your testimony was that once he inserted his

fist into your vagina, he tried to open his hand; is that


A. I believe so, yes.

Q And when you say he inserted his fist, ma'am, you

mean his whole hand up to his wrist; is that correct?

A. Yes.”

13 Dec 2005 pag 32 line 13 )

Here the consistence )

Considering then that the woman underwent a total hysterectomy at the age of 30, fourteen years previously as is shown by a certificate in the link ), I challenge any doctor and reasonable person to say that she did not lie.

Mr. Romero said “if the woman lied, she is a criminal”.

And I add that in civilised countries, criminals are prosecuted. You will find interesting documents in the links, tha the Prosecutor’s Office knows about, but that the rest of the world will also hav e to know because all of this throws a shadow on the the categories of doctors and lawyers in the USA, and also the judicial system of a civilised country which seems to be able to be manipulated at will.

Will you answer that there are no grounds for prosecuting those people who are cheating the State and stealing money from real victims of violence?

Other important facts.

Your statement – “The District Attorney is not required to file all possible criminal cases, but is vested with substantial discretion in selecting which cases to charge and at what level”

offends the American constitution, justice and good sence. I would be worried if I was a citizen of Ventura county to have a Prosecutor who prosecutes criminals according to his convenience and yet keeps his position

I will continue to make public crimes that have been committed but that have not been prosecuted, for the simple reason that you know the truth but you do not want justice and this brings you down to the same level as those who have committed the crimes.

By not prosecuting these criminals you are at the same level as they are.

Finally, at the end of your e mail the statement

“As noted in the prior message sent to you, you are free to pursue your claims further by contacting the State of California Office of the Attorney General.”

Seems ridiculous seeing that the Attorney General writes :

“please be advised that California law gives discretionary authority to a locally elected prosecutor in filing criminal actions”

It isn’t difficult to see that the game is, but it is a shame that this game destroys humans lives.

I remember what was said during a conversation with your detective Mr. Hayes (soon possible I will put online):

“Well, if this documentation is true, you are saying that there has been a conspiracy?”

Well, it's clear that there was a conspiracy against Carlo made by three women. Unlike to what Romero says: “it's my duty towards Carlo and society to correct a bad thing”, ) it seems that your DA Office is doing its best to ignore this bad thing, trying to silence us.

If what has been written is not true then you must say that I am defaming you, but you must prove it. If what is written is true then it means that you are accomplice to the crimes that you do not want to prosecute.

Katia Anedda

feel freee to publish

—–Original Message—–
From: DA Criminal []
Sent: giovedì 16 luglio 2009 19.53
Subject: Investigation Determination

Dear Ms. Anedda:

In general, the District Attorney’s Office does not investigate

allegations of criminal conduct. Instead, our office relies upon local

law enforcement agencies to complete an investigation and then refer the

investigative reports to our office for a decision as to whether or not

the evidence is sufficient to prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

Then, a deputy district attorney will review the facts in the reports

and apply the law to those facts to make a filing decision. The

specific factual circumstances and the specific statutory definition of

the crime as well as the applicable statute of limitations and

jurisdiction requirements are necessary to make a decision as to whether

or not a criminal prosecution by our office is appropriate. In

addition, we adhere to our ethical obligations, which include not filing

a criminal charge unless there is a reasonable probability of being able

to prove the charged offense in court to a jury of twelve persons.

You contend that the District Attorney’s Office must prove a negative

as to a number of specific factual claims that you have set forth. That

is not the law and the District Attorney’s Office declines to engage

in the debate or the process that you appear to seek.

In California, the district attorney of each county is the public

prosecutor and is vested with the power to charge persons within that

jurisdiction with criminal offenses. The District Attorney is not

required to file all possible criminal cases, but is vested with

substantial discretion in selecting which cases to charge and at what


With respect to your allegations of criminal conduct by Rebecca White

(the victim in the Carlo Parlanti prosecution), the District

Attorney’s Office agreed to review the information provided,

because of its direct relationship to the criminal prosecution of Carlo

Parlanti. That review has been completed and you have been advised that

there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution based

upon a claim that Rebecca White or anybody else committed any crimes

relating to the Carlo Parlanti prosecution.

As noted in the prior message sent to you, you are free to pursue your

claims further by contacting the State of California Office of the

Attorney General. This office will not be responsive to repeated

requests to take action that we have determined should not be taken.

Very truly yours,

Gregory W. Brose

Chief Deputy District Attorney

Special Prosecutions Division

Ventura County District Attorney’s Office

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