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CIRCULATION(S) – Fes2val of Young European Photography. 2021 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

11th edition

From March 6 to May 2, 2021 – CENTQUATRE-PARIS
CIRCULATION(S) is the fes6val dedicated to emerging photography in Europe. Each year, at the
Centquatre-Paris and satellite sites in France and abroad, it reveals the vitality of young crea6on
and speaks for the diversity of photographic expressions through unique exhibi6ons and events. A
stepping stone for ar6sts, a prospec6ve and innova6ve laboratory of contemporary crea6vity,
CIRCULATION(S) has become, over the past 10 years, a must-aQend photography event and a trend
revelator. Since its incep6on in 2011, the fes6val has exhibited over 382 ar6sts and aQracted over
300,000 visitors with an ever-growing aspira6on to be an approachable event of high standards.
CIRCULATION(S) it’s more than 2 months of events to exchange ideas, meet and discover
photography differently with: Photo Studios, conferences, workshops, porWolio readings, mee6ngs
with ar6sts and ar6sts professionals, discovery tours, a weekend dedicated to independent
publishing and self-publishing, workshops, LiQle Circula6on(s) – the kids exposi6on at their
heights , masterclasses … organised during this large-scale exhibi6on and are geared towards both
the public and young photographers.
• The programme of the fes2val revolves around jury-selected works following an interna6onal
call for applica6ons, invited ar6sts, and a focus on a European country.
• Ar2s2c CommiPee of FETART organisa2on will be the ar6s6c director of the 11th edi6on of the
CIRCULATION(S) will take place at the CENTQUATRE-PARIS , a mul6cultural and mul6disciplinary
community center on the East side of Paris from March 6 to May 2, 2021. The exhibi6on is also
extended to various loca6ons outside the walls of the Centquatre-Paris, at the same 6me as the

The call for applica6ons targets all European photographers including ci6zens and residents of
Europe, star6ng their professional career in photography. There is no theme. Following the call for
applica6ons, around twenty photographers will be selected and exhibited within Circula6on(s),
thus crea6ng an overview of the new genera6on of European photographers.
More informa6on on: /
The fes6val is organised by FETART:

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The call for applica6ons is open to all European photographers or photographers living in
Europe without any age limit. It is possible to submit works using projec6ons or visuals and
sounds installa6ons.
The applica6on costs 25€.
The closing date for applica6ons is September 13th , 2020 at midnight.

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– For 15 years now, the FETART collec6ve, an associa6on recognised as being of public benefit, has
promoted emerging photographers and photographic diversity through exhibi6ons and events. A
true springboard to launch the ar6sts’ careers, the collec6ve has enabled the blooming of many
talents and has provided them with a first anchor in the art market.
Since its crea6on in 2005, FETART has organised over 40 exhibi6ons and presented over 400 French
and European ar6sts. Among other events, the collec6ve organises CIRCULATION(S) – a fes6val of
young European photography – since 2011, and the Rencontres Photographiques du 10e
arrondissement since 2017.
Over the years, FETART has developed an exper6se that is acknowledged in the field of
photography, and become a definite reference of the French cultural scene. A true prospec6ve and
innova6ve hub, the collec6ve also teams up with partner organisa6ons for projects related to
photographic crea6on. Namely, FETART has created this year the Prix Caritas Photo Sociale for
Réseau Caritas France.
Régine Hatchondo has been the president of the associa6on since February 6, 2020.
THE ART COMMITTEE : Fourteen curators make up the FETART Art CommiQee. These women’s
role is to find and select the represented or awarded ar6sts in the context of the projects that the
collec6ve organises and co-organises. Iconographers, curators, cultural

JUNE 23, 2020

project coordinators, teacher at the Gobelins, editor, photographer. The plurality of the CommiQee
members’ profiles enables them to offer an ever greater diversity of topics, wri6ngs, forms and
projects, while sharing and defending a common ar6s6c direc6on and iden6ty. The Art CommiQee
has demonstrated for now 14 years its unmatched ability to raise new talents and curate
exhibi6ons and events supported by FETART. Some of its members are responsible for the
organisa6on, coordina6on and cura6ng of the CIRCULATION(S) fes6val among other projects.
More : hPps://

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Located in the 19th arrondissement, the CENTQUATRE-PARIS is a space for residencies, produc6on

and promo6on for the public and ar6sts from all over the world. Conceived by its director José-
Manuel Gonçalvès as a collabora6ve ar6s6c plaWorm, it enables access to all of today’s arts,

through a programme that is resolutely popular, contemporary and challenging. As an atypical
living area lined with shops, it also offers spaces for free ar6s6c prac6ce and spaces for infants. For
the start-ups that are part of its business accelerator, it forms a unique territory for
experimenta6on, at the crossroads of art and innova6on.
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Contact Presse : Nathalie Dran – +33 6 99 41 52 49 –


Instagram : hPps://
Facebook : hPps://

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