Sorry, we’re closed: regular migration from Africa to Europe  


23 June, 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm CEST
The coronavirus pandemic is having a profound impact on global migration and mobility trends. Travel restrictions have already jeopardised the arrival to Europe of tens of thousands of seasonal workers in the agricultural sector. European countries have tried to cope with the new reality of lower regular migration by launching some temporary regularizations of undocumented foreigners, but many challenges remain. In turn, African countries risk losing part of the 48 billion dollars a year in international remittances.

How will lockdowns and travel restrictions affect regular and, in particular, labour migration within and between the two continents?


Panel discussion

Jean-Christophe DUMONT, Head of International Migration, OECD

Camille LE COZ, Policy Analyst, MPI Europe, Belgium

Vanessa LEIGH, Regional Manager, Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) for West Africa, Senegal

Linguère Mously MBAYE, Senior Research Economist, African Development Bank Group, Côte d’Ivoire

Matteo VILLA, Research Fellow, Migration Programme, ISPI, Italy


This is the last online round table of the initiative Africa and Europe after COVID-19 Managing Migration Together” aiming to discuss some major issues affecting migrations between Africa and Europe in a time of pandemic.

It is organized on the occasion of the publication of the Report “The Future of Migration to Europe”, edited by ISPI with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in accordance with Article 23-bis of the Decree of the President of the Italian Republic 18/1967, which is available at this link.


ISPI is hosting this event online. To join the meeting and take part in the debate with the panelists, please register here:

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