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Trivial Pursuit Italian-Style / 7.24.18

Dear Friends,

As you know, the Italian American Museum is now undergoing a major reconstruction project and will be closed for the remainder of 2018 and most of 2019.

In an effort to keep you culturally connected, we will be sending you emails from time to time of happenings either in the “Little Italy” neighborhood or in and around New York City which we recommend.

The Italian American Museum is pleased to sponsor “Trivial Pursuit” Italian-Style at Capri Ristorante on Tuesday, July 24th at 7:00pm. This special event will be hosted by Carla Gambescia, author of “La Dolce Vita University: An Unconventional Guide to Italian Culture from A to Z”. For reservations please call the Museum at 212.965.9000 or send an email to

Please see the flyer below.

Thank you,

Uff. Prof. Joseph V. Scelsa, Ed.D.

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