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Ministry of Health, Dr. Mercedes Juan, made a business visit to Paris, France.
She gathered with the Ministry of Social Businesses, Health and Women Rights, Marisol Touraine, and with the General Ministry of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Miguel Angel Gurria.

Mexico could be the first country in acquiring the vaccine against Dengue, what could allow the country to have this biologic for 2016, announced Dr. Mercedes Juan, on her business visit to France.

She said that Mexico has participated in the basic and clinic investigation of this vaccine which process is well advanced, so that the National Health System of Mexico may have this biologic.

After assisting to the 68th World Health Assambly in Geneve, Switzerland, Dr. Mercedes Juan traveled to Paris, France, where she met with the French Ministry of Social Businesses, Health and Women Rights, Marisol Touraine.

They talked about the cooperation of diabetes and obesity, healthy, universal coverture and other devices established last year in Mexico on the State visit that the gale President made to President Enrique Peña Nieto.

About obesity, both Ministries confirmed that Mexico and France maintain a close cooperation and interchange of experiences, whereby next July will have place in Paris the Obesity and Diabetes Forum, in which mexican experts will participate.

Mexico´s Ministry of Health said that French authorities were interested on details of the policy implemented by our Mexico´s health regulations, especially the impact of the increased price on sugary drinks and energy-dense foods, to fight against obesity.

Also, Dr. Juan met with the General Ministry of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Angel Gurria, with whom she discussed the study that performs this organism to reform the health system, and its results will conclude later this year.

During the workday in Paris, the Mexican Health Minister met with the president of the Louis Pasteur Institute, Christian Brechot, in order to discuss the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Institute and the Coordination of the National Institutes of Health, about research on innovation and technology transfer.

Finally the Mexican Ministry visited the Institute and met the functioning of the Platform for Genomics of the Center for Innovation and Technological Research of the French institution.


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General Ministry, Jose Angel Gurria Trevino

Headquarters: Château de la Muette in Paris, France

Established: 1961

Members: 34 members and its mission is to promote policies to improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.

Member countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Korea, Denmark, Spain, United States, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, UK, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey

Acceding countries: Russia, Colombia and Latvia

Objective: OECD governments are working together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems, seeking to understand the causes that lead to economic, social and environmental change.

Themes developed by the OECD Public Administration, Agriculture and Food, Social Affairs, Migration and Health, Science and Technology, Trade, Urban, Regional and Rural Development, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Nuclear Energy, Finance and Investment, Tax, Industries and Services, Environment and Transport.

OECD Mexico

On May 18th, 1994, Mexico became the 25th member; the “Decree of promulgation of the Declaration of the Government of Mexico on the acceptance of its obligations as a member of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development” was published in the Official Gazette on 05 July of the same year.

Its purpose is to promote the work and activities of the OECD to establish contact with policy makers, experts, business leaders, universities and representatives of civil society.

One of the main achievements of Central Mexico is the increase in translations and local issues, facilitating the participation of OECD experts in seminars and events held in the region.

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