In the last months and years, as Innovatori Europei, we have been working and focussing on italian politics. Our idea was (and is) to give (innovative) insights and ideas to the current political debate with a european view.
It has been a huge job. Particularly as we don’t know if we made some real goal.
In any case, it is now time to shift a part of our attention to the main goal: the creation of a solid and sustainable European Union.
For this reason, we want to spread our discussions and projects to a european – wide level.
The first move is going to be the creation of a federation of innnovation – based political initiatives located in the continent. With the ambition to strengthen the actual debate on the future of the Union.
We invite all the European Innovators to join us in this intellectual project.
For any info, please contact us.
European Innovators – Innovatori Europei
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