Andong Hanok stay offers unique Korean lifestyle experience

Since April last year, the Korea Tourism Organization has been carrying out a pilot Hanok stay program involving traditional Korean houses in Hahoe Village in Andong, North Gyeongsang Province.

This program aims to transform the old Hanok houses used by the upper classes during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) into a unique place for overseas tourists to experience the traditional culture and lifestyle of aristocrats.

The pilot program focuses on Hanok which hold cultural importance and were built more than 150 years ago.

(From left) An old Hanok house in Hahoe Village in Andong, North Gyeongsang Province // An overseas tourist taking a picture of Hanok house in Hahoe Village

Lee Hyojae, a well-known designer of traditional Hanbok clothing, participated in the pilot program and said that she was thankful for the experience and the new realization that old architecture still has much to offer. Lee also praised the natural beauty of Hanok, saying she could feel the efforts of the people who built the house.

Korean Culture Minister Choung Byoung-gug met with program participants and said that Hahoe Village was one of the few places where the lifestyle of Korean aristocrats still continues to exist. Minister Choung added that the villiage is uniquely adept at showing how Koreans traditionally lived in harmony with nature.

Inside a traditional Korean house in Hahoe Village

Participating Japanese tourists expressed their appreciation for the uniqueness of Korean food and traditional lifestyle shown in the program. One said that this was the first chance for her to stay in a Hanok, and that the experience had made her more curious about Korean culture.

Alan Timblick, director of the Seoul Global Center, also participated in the program, and said that the program will become another wonderful tourism attraction in Korea.

By Yoon Sojung Staff Writer

Article adapted from Gonggam Korea website, run by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

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