Free Tibetan singer Tashi Dhondup

Free Tibetan singer Tashi Dhondup

Tashi Dhondup is a popular singer from the eastern Tibetan region of Amdo. He was arrested following the 2009 release of a CD containing songs which included lyrics calling for the Dalai Lama's return to Tibet and lamenting that “There is no freedom in Tibet.”

Tashi Dhondup is currently serving a two-year term in a forced labor camp for his pro-Tibetan music. In China, police have the option of avoiding the courts and may instead send cases to a “re-education through labor” committee. These committees are usually staffed by senior police officers and other Party and government officials, and have the authority to send defendants to labor camps for up to three years without any judicial oversight and without the defendant having any right to hire a lawyer.

All people have a human right to freedom of expression, and no one should be jailed or imprisoned without recourse to a fair trial. Tell the Chinese authorities to free Tashi Dhondup and to dismantle the “re-education through labor” committees.

Please sign the petition at:

Torture Without Trace
by Tashi Dhondup

First, a sad tune for my brother hasn't returned from afar
Second, the pain because there is no harmony for people
Third, the occupation and denial of freedom for Tibetans
This is all torture without trace

First, the regret as our ancestral wealth is lost to outsiders
Second, the pain that we aren't the owners of our resources
Third, the practice of sterilisation to wipe out our race
This is all torture without trace
This is all torture without trace

First, the hurt from being denied my parents' love
Second, the failure to hear the inner voices of my people
Third, the grief that our mountains are belittled
This is all torture without trace
Third, the grief that our mountains are belittled
This is all torture without trace

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