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An appeal to all political parties in Ukraine before the 31 October 2010 election

The party Svoboda (Freedom) has already launched its campaign in western Ukraine. At every step in Lvov one can now see the advertising slogan: “Who shall defend your rights?” And the answer: “Svoboda”. Other political parties will evidently display similar slogans. At this historic time the EU is bringing to bear psychological and economic pressure on Ukraine with the purpose of destroying her traditional moral and spiritual values and the family. It is doing so by trying to enforce gender legislation and the juvenile justice system (by means of a so-called fight against family violence). This results in destruction of the traditional family. Gender ideology causes disintegration of human personality and mental disorders, eliminates conscience and the very human nature and leads to total moral corruption and demonic possession. Juvenile justice will orphan children by depriving parents of their parental rights and by forcibly taking their children away from them.
At this time every voter must know whether the MP whom he intends to vote for has a grasp of the current political situation and whether he advocates true values or antivalues. The motive in the election can no more be some catchphrases used to deceive the voters.
Therefore, we put essential questions to all political parties: Will your party
1) defend the rights of the traditional family and actively stand against the introduction of lawless and immoral “gender-gay equality” legislation?
2) defend the rights of parents to a sound upbringing of their children and actively stand against the introduction of the criminal juvenile justice system?
3) defend the right of Ukraine to her sovereignty or will it sell Ukraine to the inhuman and amoral dictatorship of the EU?
The EU and the PACE are hypocritically demanding reforms in Ukraine these days. However, what they understand by these reforms is in fact antireforms – by establishment of antivalues and elimination of Ukraine’s sovereignty. THEREFORE IT IS NECESSARY TO INTRODUCE TRUE REFORMS. In the first place, each party must at this time unequivocally defend the sovereignty of Ukraine against the psychological and corrupt influence on the part of the EU, PACE and other power centres of the West. The people of Ukraine can by no means be represented by a deputy who has a spirit of treason and who is ready to sell Ukraine for money along with her moral values.
Every deputy of any political party elected to any post must defend and represent moral, spiritual and family values.
Regarding freedom of the press and freedom of speech, the mass media are widely known to be under the psychological and financial influence of the West. They propagate moral corruption and lead to the loss of the Ukrainian sovereignty. Within the bounds of just democracy it is necessary to introduce censorship of these mercenary mass media so as to preserve freedom of speech and true democracy. Propagation of the antivalues of the West destroys moral values and sovereignty of Ukraine. The task of the mass media is to support moral and spiritual values and to serve true development of the individual, family and whole society. They should serve as a powerful and integrated means of educating the young generation in responsibility for their own family and for the nation. The mass media have failed to do so within the past 20 years. Often they did the exact opposite and so they are responsible for devastation of the society. They systematically propagated antivalues of the West tied up with destructive music, with the culture of violence and death, undermining the institution of the family and resulting in the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, homosexuality and AIDS. If throughout those 20 years the mass media had systematically fostered sound moral values, many young people would not have become slaves of alcohol, drugs or moral perversion and victims of fatal AIDS!
For the sake of a true reform in the Ukrainian society it is necessary to set a precise diagnosis and to establish sound time-tested moral principles guaranteeing the dignity of man, his freedom and rights. Just laws established on these principles protect man against the criminality and violence of various EU ideologists and professional liars. These cunningly disguise themselves with rhetoric about freedom of speech and democracy and seek to amend the Constitution and laws of Ukraine according to their perverted norms. And this is going on right these days.
The whole culture of Europe and Ukraine is built upon sound moral roots, i.e. upon Christian principles. It needs to return to these roots. Otherwise speaking about a reform is a deceit and in practice it is in fact deformation.
It’s sheer hypocrisy for the EU to offer 450 million dollars these days to fight AIDS. The AIDS carriers are mostly homosexuals. The EU struggles to integrate homosexuality into all forms of social life by means of amoral legislation. So consequently for a 450-million bribe the EU is calling for the spread of AIDS in Ukraine. Once the gender-gay legislation has been adopted, no physician, no lawyer, no parent, no victim, simply no one can truly point out the root of the spiritual, moral and physical genocide of the nation – legally privileged homosexuality!
We are amazed at abnormal initiative of gender-gay propagators. Under the auspices of foreign financial centres they have worked out a plan for the years 2011-2016 with the aim of integrating the gender ideology into all forms of education, all spheres of culture, art, judiciary, health service, politics… If instead of this true reformers launched into a reform of Ukraine, within 5 years Ukraine would become a real paradise and a pattern for all nations of the world! That would be a true reform. Such reform must take advantage of all political, economic and spiritual means. The “gender” reform is an antireform.
What is hidden behind the term “gender”?
1) Legalization of so-called same-sex marriages. Normal family is labelled as a negative “gender stereotype”.
2) Gay adoption of children. It actually means legalization of paedophilia and defilement of defenceless children in the unnatural ill environment of two perverts.
3) Gay propaganda: propagation of homosexual perversion in all the mass media (so-called freedom of speech) and its integration in all spheres of the society – kindergartens, all types of schools, culture, art, advertisements, judicial system. This is, in essence, absolute domination of perverted people over the majority of the citizens.
4) Introduction of punishments in accordance with the so-called amended legislation and Constitution of Ukraine. These punishments shall be imposed on parents who will defend their children against this amoral epidemic which will be cynically supported by the new legislation. And Ukraine is now being pressured by the EU into adopting this legislation through bribery and treason on the part of certain individuals. This treason actually results in the loss not only of moral values but also of the national sovereignty of Ukraine. Another anomaly is legalization of gender equality. This means that a man has to be officially registered as a woman if he applies for it or, similarly, a woman has to be accepted as a man, that children can no longer call their parents mother and father etc. This all is said to be a barrier to gender equality and discrimination on grounds of gender identity. Moreover, a woman cannot be presented in the mass media as a mother with a child, for the EU calls this sexism. What hypocrisy! Real sexism on billboards, in the mass media and in journals has never been prohibited in the EU.
This is the true level of the EU and the so-called international standard of the new Code of human rights and opportunities in the EU!
Dear representatives of the political parties of Ukraine, we would like to ask You whether You agree with this perversion and lawlessness hidden behind the term “gender”. We are convinced that a responsible deputy of Ukraine will never consent to such perversities!
Unless a political party or an MP have a firm grasp of the current situation and topical issues and unless they take a definite stand on them in their political programme, these blind people can by no means represent the people of Ukraine! For it holds true that “if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit” (cf. Mt 15:14). It may be possible that before the election a certain political fraud will declare against antivalues and for sovereignty of Ukraine. And after he gets into office, he will start doing quite the opposite of what he promised. Such deputy must subsequently be deposed and brought before a court on grounds of treason! Therefore every deputy must now lay down a programme which will guarantee in practice:
1) protection of the citizens against gender-gay genocide,
2) protection of the families against the juvenile justice system,
3) protection of the nation against the EU policy of antivalues and hence against the loss of Ukraine’s sovereignty.
Praying for and bestowing our blessing upon all deputies of Ukraine,
Bishops of the UOGCC
+ Markian OSBMr, + Metoděj OSBMr, + Samuel OSBMr, + EliᚠOSBMr
Lvov, 25th September 2010
Copies to:
– President of Ukraine and Representatives of the Government
– MPs of Ukraine
– Governors of the Regional State Administrations of Ukraine
– Orthodox Bishops of Ukraine and Russia
– Presidents of Russia and Belarus and State Duma of Russia
– Mass media of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and the EU

P.S.: Within the bounds of the freedom of speech and maintenance of and respect for true democracy we demand that the Ukrainian mass media literally (i.e. word for word) publish this urgent appeal which concerns all Ukraine and her future. In case of deriding or disparaging this appeal, within the bounds of democracy and freedom of speech we demand that we are given the same opportunity for its defence, and that, on television, on radio as well as in newspapers. Publication of this appeal or a boycott against it shall be a distinguishing sign of whether the Ukrainian mass media are under the control of the monopolistic ideology of the West or whether they give a chance to the opposition which defends the true values and interests of Ukraine.

Address: Synod of the UOGCC, 3 Sosnova St., Lvov – Bryukhovychi, 79491, Ukraine,;

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