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A proposal for establishment of the Ukrainian People’s Party (UPP)

To President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych
Government of Ukraine
MPs of Ukraine

Dear Mr President, members of the Government and Parliament of Ukraine,
on 15th September 2010 Juliya Tymoshenko, the leader of Batkivshchyna, participated in the summit of the European People’s Party (EPP) in Brussels. The EPP unites 73 parties from 39 states of the world, including Presidents of the European Union – Herman Van Rompuy, of the European Commission – Jose Manuel Barrosso, of the European Parliament – Jerzy Buzek, government leaders of 15 EU member states, namely Angela Merkel (Germany), Nicolas Sarkozy (France), Silvio Berlusconi (Italy), Donald Tusk (Poland) etc.
We propose that on the pattern of the EPP Ukraine also should form one main party that would unite all other political parties in Ukraine. The name of the party can be: “Ukrainian People’s Party” (UPP).
The UPP should protect:
a) the national identity of Ukraine,
b) the cultural and Christian heritage of the Ukrainian nation.
Unless these conditions are fulfilled, it can by no means be called Ukrainian People’s Party (UPP).
The EU abuses democracy in Ukraine in order to enforce its totalitarianism in the mass media. And it hypocritically calls this freedom of speech. What freedom of speech is there in the EU?
In Spain, a certain TV channel has been fined 100.000 euros for its defence of family and children’s rights and a judge F. Calamita 104.000 euros because he delayed adoption of a child by two lesbians.
What is the task of Ukraine?
1) Ukraine must separate from the EU system of pressure. All traitors of Ukraine who work towards the loss of national sovereignty by promoting gender-gay policy and juvenile justice must be publicly punished and removed from their high offices which they abuse to the detriment of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.
2) Ukraine must deny her signature to the treaty of free market with the EU on 22nd November 2010. The predatory European market will use this treaty to destroy the Ukrainian structures, to strip the very last companies of their assets and to make Ukraine totally dependent on the EU. Ukraine must therefore strengthen her economy and retain her autonomy and independence from the EU.
3) A very sensitive issue is the issue of bribery in Ukraine. The EU has hypocritically started to draw attention even to this. The issue of bribery needs to be dealt with. It is well known that bribery has penetrated into the judicial system, education, culture, mass media and economy, and paralyses the whole society. We propose that this issue should be dealt with in depth on the pattern of Uganda where corrupt practices connected with spiritualism, occultism and Satanism caused disintegration of the whole economy and of the whole nation. What was the solution? The President consecrated the whole nation to Jesus Christ, the mass media created opportunities for true evangelization and people, hearing the word of truth that touched their hearts and conscience, began to change their lives. Conversion and reception of Jesus as their Saviour and Lord brought about a moral and spiritual change in their private lives, in the families and in the whole society. These converted Christians realized the meaning of their life, the meaning of the suffering and the true hierarchy of life’s and spiritual values. They realized the consequences of their egoism, injustice and all their sins. They repented in truth. This spiritual revival brought a blessing even in the economic and social sphere. The corrupt practices in the nation disappeared. WE EMPHASIZE THAT TRUE AND DEEP REPENTANCE IS CONDITIONED BY TRUE PROCLAMATION OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL VALUES. Unfortunately, the mass media in our Christian nation have not provided adequate opportunities therefor to this day. Via the mass media the young generation is not enlightened on true spiritual values of Christianity but rather manipulated by antivalues. We ask how these young people can repent if they are not truly shown the meaning and goal of human life and of the suffering. The only adequate response to this is found in Jesus Christ and His teaching of love and truth which gives true peace on earth and eternal life after death. A matter of supreme importance in the life of the individual, family and society is to stand God’s judgement in the hour of death, obtain eternal life and be saved from the eternal punishment and torments of hell. Various philosophies, psychologies, sociologies or heretical theologies do not lead man to a responsible life on this earth, do not improve the morals and do not build sound relationships based on justice, sacrifice and love. They all lead to self-glorification, revolt against God, egoism, cynicism, drug-addiction, moral perversion, hell on earth and hell after death. Hinduism and Buddhism likewise deny true spiritual and moral principles and lead to relativism and self-divinization. A cow in India is worshipped as a goddess and is of greater value than a human being. The theory of reincarnation is a deceit denying true God, the immortal soul, sin, God’s judgement as well as eternal reward and eternal punishment. The lies about karma and reincarnation lead to false hopes and to an irresponsible life. Unfortunately, the so-called religious studies provide the Ukrainian intelligentsia with more information about Buddhism, Hinduism or Islam than about true Christianity which is the only source of sound principles that can establish a healthy society and produce family happiness. The greatest enemy of the revival of true faith and moral values in Ukraine is the heretical and apostatical structure of the UGCC headed by ex-Card. Husar. This apostatical hierarchy proclaims heresies and promotes homosexuality, so it has betrayed the nature of the UGCC and is under God’s curse. Resorting to pious phrases, it does not allow the believers of the UGCC to repent in truth, to accept sound Christian principles and to become the light and the salt for the Ukrainian nation.
4) Ukraine must establish control over the mass media, i.e. put a ban on the influences which undermine national identity, corrupt the morals, the individual and the society, propagate evil and lead to destruction above all of the young generation. Without this there can be no true reform today!
5) Education and culture must promote Christian and moral values and not antivalues of the gender-gay policy. Note: We have come to hear recently that there are five gender-gay equality departments in Ukraine to date. We ask who gave permission for it and who promotes it if the Ukrainian legislation and the Constitution of Ukraine do not allow homosexuality.
6) The judicial system likewise must be built on moral values and objective justice and not on perverted gender-gay antivalues and corrupt practices. These antivalues are being enforced in all spheres of public life.
7) Democracy is no anarchy. True democracy must be founded on just and moral laws and on universal values, where one clearly distinguishes between good and evil, truth and lie. Such legislation must protect the majority of the citizens against moral and physical evil, promote justice and punish lawlessness. It must promote moral values in the mass media, education and culture, and prevent corruptive antivalues and immorality which now demand so-called rights and liberties in order to manipulate defenceless youth and children and to turn them into moral wrecks and addicts (alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual perversion, AIDS…).
8) We appeal to all deputies to repent, particularly women who consult various fortune-tellers and open their hearts to their advice. Diviners and extrasensory individuals bring down a curse on all Ukraine even through the mediation of those who are manipulated by them. We propose that the changes in the laws from the time of the prime ministry of J. Tymoshenko, concerning diviners and extrasensory individuals, should be revoked. These laws open the door to psychological manipulation, fraudulent practices, suspicions about innocent people and often even to suicides.
9) What is the so-called freedom of speech in the EU? The EU’s rhetoric of the freedom of speech is in fact political and ideological manipulation via the easy of access mass media. They permit no alternative! This so-called freedom of speech is restricted by no moral code and allows of no objective or sound criticism, nor of defence of religious rights or spiritual values in the particular nation. It establishes total relativism!
10) The necessary condition for a true reform in Ukraine is removal from office of those civil servants who are members of or sympathizers with the supranational criminal organization of Freemasons as well as all organizations under its influence (e.g. The Order of Stanislaus, The Order of Michael, Registered Cossacks…). Freemasons are responsible for bloody revolutions, systematic corruption of morals and crimes against humanity. In the highest degrees they are directly dedicated to Satan. So they promote antivalues (the present-day gender-gay policy) by lies and bring both temporal and eternal death! Every member of this organization, unless and until he has resigned his membership, is under God’s curse and if he dies so, he will be eternally damned.
The leadership of Ukraine must
a) make a radical step to prevent the gender-gay policy and juvenile justice system.
b) reject the EU’s prepared trap in the form of an international agreement between the EU and Ukraine to establish visa-free relations and free-market economy. This trap is prepared for 22nd November 2010.
c) start a true reform of the individual, family and society founded on moral and Christian values. These spiritual values of Ukraine should help restore just legislation.
We suppose that the establishment of the Ukrainian People’s Party (UPP) will help to join the true patriotic forces for the sake of defence of national sovereignty and of true moral and spiritual values of Ukraine.
Bishops of the UOGCC
+ Markian OSBMr, + Metoděj OSBMr, + Samuel OSBMr, + EliᚠOSBMr
Lvov (Ukraine), 21st September 2010
Copies to:
– Presidents of Russia and Belarus
– Deputies of the State Duma of Russia
– Orthodox Bishops of Ukraine and Russia
– Pope Benedict XVI
– Mass media of Ukraine, Russia and the EU

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