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President Lee Myung-bak receives CBD award

President Lee Myung-bak receives CBD award

President Lee(r), receiving CDB award from Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf (Photo:Ministry of Environment)

President Lee Myung-bak met with Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and received CBD award at Cheong Wa Dae on August 24, 2010.

CBD Award is granted to personages who have significantly contributed to achieving a goal of the Convention on Biological Diversity and five including the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and the Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper received it.

The Convention of Biological Diversity said President Lee showed the international leadership by leading ‘low carbon green growth’ policy and greatly contributed to enhancing international cooperation through inducing the agreement on the establishment of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) at the 3rd intergovernmental meeting, which was held from June 7 to 11 in Busan, Korea. (Related news:

In addition, CBD highly appreciated the fact that President Lee made efforts to change Seoul into an environmentally-friendly city by conducting Cheonggyechon Restoration Project during his service as the Mayor of Seoul.

President Lee expressed his gratitude for receiving CBD Award in the International Year of Biodiversity and exchanged opinions with the Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf on issues regarding biodiversity, committing to continuously reinforce cooperation between the two sides.

* Government press release (August 24)

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