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In occasione dell’evento internazionale “Rags in the wind III


Event: Free International Artists
Curator: Milena Koren Božiček
Coordinators: Elica Bele, Cvetka Hojnik
Luogo: Mozirski gaj – park cvetja – Mozirje Slovenia
Data: 12.09.2009 ore 15,30
Organizzation: Free International Artists – Mozirski gaj

On the international event “Rags in the Wind III”, organized by the Free International Artists and society Mozirski gaj, taking place on Saturday September 12th, 2009 at 15.30 at Mozirski gaj – Park Cvetje – Mozirje – in Slovenia, Enzo Marino will hold the performance titled: “ENZO MARINO scolpisce l’aria” / “ENZO MARINO carves the air”.
He will work in the evocative atmosphere of the Flowers Park in the presence of Slovenian authorities, leading European growers, critics, international artists and a selected audience of lovers of both flower plants and art. Enzo Marino offers a new, original, extreme and poetically dreamy art performance. In a moment of magic, he will “carve” the air and the surrounding atmosphere as well as the fantastic untouchable ether. He will realize the elusive inconsistency of visions. He will materialize the impossible dream of the artist: sculpting the incredible. The artist will be donating the visitors some of his airy and bubbly art.”

In occasione dell’evento internazionale “Rags in the wind III” organizzato dai Free International Artists e dalla società Mozirski gaj, sabato 12 settembre 2009 alle ore 15,30. a Mozirski gaj – park cvetja – Mozirje – in Slovenia, Enzo Marino terrà la performance: ”ENZO MARINO CARVES THE AIR”/”ENZO MARINO SCOLPISCE L’ARIA”.
Nella suggestiva atmosfera del parco dei fiori alla presenza delle autorità slovene, dei maggiori floricoltori d’Europa, di critici e artisti internazionali e di un pubblico scelto amante della flora e dell’arte Enzo Marino offre una nuova e originale performance d’arte estrema sognante poetica. Egli, in un momento di magia, scolpirà l’aria, l’atmosfera che ci circonda, l’etere fantastico e vagheggiante. Realizzerà l’inafferrabile inconsistenza delle visioni. Concretizzerà il sogno impossibile dell’artista: scolpire l’incredibile. L’artista donerà ai fruitori bolle della sua aria/arte.

Info: –
Ph: +39.3476249322 Fax: +39.0812144713
Ph: (03) 5832 719 – (041) 691 939 – (041) 691 938 – Fax(03) 5832 603

(editing by Free International Artists)

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