Onorevole Donatella Poretti


Intervento dell'on Donatella Poretti parlamentare radicale della Rosa nel Pugno, segretaria della Commissione Affari Sociali

Come rispondere al sindaco di Milano, Letizia Moratti, quando dice che le politiche di riduzione del danno hanno portato risultati disastrosi in Italia? Verrebbe da chiederle in quale Paese stia vivendo e in che citta' stia esercitando la funzione di prima cittadina. Quanto dichiarato nega la realta' dei fatti, affermata scientificamente da piu' parti (1) e confonde sempre piu' le idee ai cittadini.
In questi ultimi tempi si fa un gran parlare di mancanza di sicurezza collegandola al problema della droga. Sono pericolose le parole del sindaco di Milano che pensa di risolvere questa situazione, rendendo ancora piu' aspre le pene e senza politiche di riduzione del danno. La stessa Moratti, il maggio scorso, decise di non distribuire piu' siringhe ai tossicodipendenti. Questa semplice e non costosa misura aveva contribuito a salvare centinaia di migliaia di vite umane, prevenendo il diffondersi di malattie come l'Hiv, ma evidentemente non era stata ritenuta utile dal Sindaco. Dalle sue affermazioni di oggi non mi sembra che una tale decisione abbia portato a qualche risultato positivo.
Suggerisco al Sindaco di ritornare sui propri passi e di invertire rotta seguendo l'esempio di Spagna, Canada, Olanda, Svizzera, Australia, Paesi in cui sperimentazione della somministrazione controllata di sostanze illecite, e le “safe injection room” (o narcosale) hanno portato solo effetti positivi.
Sono sicura che al Sindaco di Milano non sfugge che la ricetta proposta e' quella della legge Fini-Giovanardi, approvata dalla precedente maggioranza e, purtroppo, di fatto applicata fino ad oggi da questa. I “risultati disastrosi” di cui parla sono proprio la conseguenza dei principi proibizionistici su cui si basa questa legge. Come, infatti, risulta dall'ultima Relazione al Parlamento sulle tossicodipendenze, i consumi di sostanze stupefacenti sono aumentati e i prezzi al dettaglio al mercato nero sono diminuiti.
Auspico che quanto detto ieri dal ministro della Solidarieta' Sociale, Paolo Ferrero, in risposta ad un mio question time, sia vero. Presto il ddl sulle tossicodipendenze per riformare la Fini – Giovanardi dovrebbe arrivare in Parlamento e allo stesso tempo, aggiungo io, come deciso lo scorso 26 giugno, le proposte di legge sulla droga spero siano al piu' presto calendarizzate dalle commissioni riunite Affari Sociali e Giustizia (2).


(1) questi alcuni articoli sull'efficacia delle politiche di riduzione del danno:
– Betteridge G., Vancouver safe injection facility: more positive results. HIV AIDS Policy Law Rev. 2006 Apr;11(1):19-20.
– Broadhead, Robert S., Thomas Kerr, Jean-Paul C. Grund, and Frederick L. Altice, “Safer Injection Facilities in North America: Their Place in Public Policy and Health Initiatives,” Journal of Drug Issues (Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University, Winter 2002), Vol. 32, No. 1
– Committee on the Prevention of HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users in High-Risk Countries, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, “Preventing HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users in High Risk Countries: An Assessment of the Evidence” (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2006)
– de Wit, Ardine and Jasper Bos, “Cost-Effectiveness of Needle and Syringe Programmes: A Review of the Literature,” in Hepatitis C and Injecting Drug Use: Impact, Costs and Policy Options, Johannes Jager, Wien Limburg, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Maarten Postma, Lucas Wiessing (eds.), European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2004.
– Gibson DR, Flynn NM, Perales D. Effectiveness of syringe exchange programs in reducing HIV risk behavior and HIV seroconversion among injecting drug users. AIDS 2001;15(11):1329-41.
– Hedrich, Dagmar, “European Report on Drug Consumption Rooms” (Lisbon, Portugal: European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction, February 2004)
– Hurley, Susan F., Damien J. Jolley, John M. Kaldor, “Effectiveness of Needle-Exchange Programmes for Prevention of HIV Infection,” The Lancet, 1997; 349: 1797-1800, June 21, 1997.
– Stephen W. Hwang, Science and Ideology, Aug 21, 2007. Vol. 1(2), pp.99-101.
– Interventions to prevent HIV risk behaviors. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement. 1997; Feb 11-13. AIDS 2000;14 Suppl 2 S85-96.
– Kerr T, Tyndall M, Li K, Montaner J, Wood E. Safer injection facility use and syringe sharing in injection drug users. Lancet 2005;366(9482):316-8.
– Kerr T, Stoltz JA, Tyndall M, Li K, Zhang R, Montaner J, et al. Impact of a medically supervised safer injection facility on community drug use patterns: a before and after study. BMJ 2006;332(7535):220-2.
– Lomas J. Connecting research and policy. Isuma: Can J Policy Res 2000;1(1):140-4.
– National Commission on AIDS, The Twin Epidemics of Substance Abuse and HIV (Washington DC: National Commission on AIDS, 1991); General Accounting Office, Needle Exchange Programs: Research Suggests Promise as an AIDS Prevention Strategy (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1993); Lurie, P. & Reingold, A.L., et al., The Public Health Impact of Needle Exchange Programs in the United States and Abroad (San Francisco, CA: University of California, 1993); Satcher, David, MD, (Note to Jo Ivey Bouffard), The Clinton Administration's Internal Reviews of Research on Needle Exchange Programs (Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control, December 10, 1993); National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Normand, J., Vlahov, D. & Moses, L. (eds.), Preventing HIV Transmission: The Role of Sterile Needles and Bleach (Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1995); Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress, The Effectiveness of AIDS Prevention Efforts (Springfield, VA: National Technology Information Service, 1995); National Institutes of Health Consensus Panel, Interventions to Prevent HIV Risk Behaviors (Kensington, MD: National Institutes of Health Consensus Program Information Center, February 1997).
– “Policy Statement: Reducing the Risk of HIV Infection Associated With Illicit Drug Use,” Committee on Pediatric AIDS, Pediatrics, Vol. 117, No. 2, Feb. 2006 (Chicago, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics)
– Sendziuk P., Harm reduction and HIV-prevention among injecting drug users in Australia: an international comparison. Can Bull Med Hist. 2007;24(1):113-29.
– Toumbourou JW, Stockwell T, Neighbors C, Marlatt GA, Sturge J, Rehm J., Interventions to reduce harm associated with adolescent substance use. Lancet. 2007 Apr 21;369(9570):1391-401.
– Urbina I. Alone in a city's AIDS battle, hoping for backup. New York Times 2007 May 29. Available (accessed 2007 Aug 11).
– Vlahov, David, PhD, and Benjamin Junge, MHSc, “The Role of Needle Exchange Programs in HIV Prevention,” Public Health Reports, Volume 113, Supplement 1, June 1998, pp. 75-80.
– Wainberg MA. The need to promote public health in the field of illicit drug use. CMAJ 2006;175(11):1395-6.
– Wood E, Tyndall MW, Montaner JS, Kerr T. Summary of findings from the evaluation of a pilot medically supervised safer injecting facility. CMAJ 2006;175(11):1399-404.
– Wood E, Kerr T, Small W, Li K, Marsh DC, Montaner JS, et al. Changes in public order after the opening of a medically supervised safer injecting facility for illicit injection drug users. CMAJ 2004;171(7):731-4.
– Wood E, Tyndall MW, Zhang R, Stoltz JA, Lai C, Montaner JS, et al. Attendance at supervised injecting facilities and use of detoxification services. N Engl J Med. 2006;354(23):2512-4.
– Wood, Evan, Tyndall, Mark W., Zhang, Ruth, Montaner, Julio S.G., and Kerr, Thomas, “Rate of Detoxification Service Use and its Impact among a Cohort of Supervised Injecting Facility Users,” Addiction, Vol. 102
– Wright, Nat M.J., Charlotte N.E. Tompkins, “Supervised Injecting Centres,” British Medical Journal, Vol. 328, Jan. 10, 2004
– Zobel, Frank & Françoise Dubois-Arber, “Short appraisal of the role and usefulness of Drug consumption facilities (DCF) in the reduction of drug-related problems in Switzerland: appraisal produced at the request of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (Lausanne: University Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, 2004)

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